Whilst we are unable to name the specific pathogens ZOONO kills, we can state that we have passed the EN14476 (Enveloped Viruses).
Follow the link here to show what pathogens this test includes.
ZOONO’S Technology
Zoono’s physical kill ruptures the cell meaning the cell cannot mutate, helping preventing the development of pathogens that are resistant to the more traditional disinfectants.
Zoono is colourless and non-leaching and can be used in both the home and industrial settings. Whilst it has a gentle formulation, it is deadly for a broad range of pathogens.
When applied to a surface by spraying, wiping or ‘fogging’; Zoono leaves behind a mono-molecular layer that permanently bonds to the surface. These molecules are antimicrobial, silane based polymers that covalently bond to the surface forming a barrier of positively charged microscopic pins.
The positively charged microscopic pins attract and pierce negatively charged pathogens. The pins rupture the cell walls. This causes the pathogen to break up with lethal effect. The layer of molecular antimicrobial pins carries on working for extended periods on surfaces. Routine cleaning should continue in order that Zoono can continue to work at its optimal performance. Routine cleaning does not disrupt the Zoono molecule or its antimicrobial activity.
ZOONO Ingredients
Zoono products use purified, deionised water and an antimicrobial compound.
We use a Quaternary Ammonium Compound – these are commonly used antibacterial agents found in products such as toothpaste, contact lens products, cosmetics, soaps.
While our quaternary ammonium compound originates from natural sand the process is synthetic.
Our trade secret lies in the technology behind the quaternary ammonium compound which enables Zoono to stay active and continue killing pathogens for long periods of times.
How ZOONO Works
Zoono works by the formation of a molecular layer of covalently bound biocidal molecules based around silicone polymer chemistry.
The simplest analogy is that antimicrobial “pins” are formed on the surface that are highly positively charged and as a result of this charge, the negatively charged molecular structure of microorganisms are attracted to the “spikes” and the cell wall and membrane is lysed; the organism is then killed and the process continues.
Why Antimicrobial Protection is Important
It is widely acknowledged that common surfaces represent a significant source of microbiological contamination and have become major factors in the battle against cross-infection. Bacteria, viruses, fungi and yeasts contaminate surfaces and can form biofilms resilient to hygiene processes i.e. cleaning and disinfection. Harmful pathogens can be transferred via touch or even the air as tiny droplets. Aerial (droplet) cross contamination is especially significant for not only viral infections but also infections from spores such as C.diff. Bacteria can be found in the soil and in water systems (esp E.coli, Pseudomonas etc) and the risk increases for anyone in the community with low levels of immunity.
Traditional methods of killing pathogens (poisons or dehydration via alcohol) are no longer effective – as evidenced by the evolution of superbugs (pathogens resistant to antibiotics / resistant to traditional methods of disinfection).
Where to Use ZOONO
Any environments where germs are present and likely to pose a threat. Zoono currently is successfully used on transport systems, buildings, vehicles, shipping, homes and hospitals where there is a risk of infection. Routine liquid disinfectants work when the surface is wet and at point of disinfection, once the disinfectant is wiped off or dried it is no longer capable if killing any further microorganisms that recontaminate that surface. Surfaces can become recontaminated to the same levels as before disinfection within 1 – 2 hours. This is the reason why Zoono technology has been developed as a next generation biocide to support routine cleaning activities.